We got tagged...
1. What are your middle names?
Francesco & Darlene Mae
2. How long have you been together?
In April it will be 6 years total, 3 married.
3. How long did you know each other before you started dating?
A couple weeks, it was pretty fast.
4. Who asked whom out?
I called her and she invited me over for hockey & pizza, it went on from there...
5. How old are you?
We are both in our mid thirties
6. Whose siblings do you see the most?
We "see" my family more often but we "talk" with Michelle's more often
7. Do you have any children together?
8. Pets?
3: Pinchy (cat), Laverne & Carmine (Dogs)
9. Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
Keeping the house clean, I am awesome at tidying but lousy at cleaning. She's awesome at cleaning but needs help tidying.
10. Did you go to the same school?
Not at all.
11. Are you from the same town?
Both from Vancouver but I was raised in North Van and she was raised in Surrey.
12. Who is smarter?
She's a scientist, I wear funny hats on the internet... you decide.
13. Who is more sensitive?
She cries at television commercials, I laugh.
14. Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Sushi or Breakfast on weekends
15. Where is the farthest you have traveled as a couple?
Italy for our Honeymoon but there is the potential for a move to Singapore, so that's pretty far.
16. Who has the craziest exes?
Neither. They are all pretty cool except for "that one"... you know who you are!
17. Who has a worse temper?
Neither really, no need to "Hulk out" for either of us... yet.
18. Who does the cooking?
Me, I love to cook. She does the baking and rocks at it.
19. Who is more social?
Both but I think she is more likely to hang with friends while I'm more likely to connect with peeps online.
20. Who is the neat freak?
Neither. She's cleaner except for the bedroom, I'm more organized except for every room in the house.
21. Who is more stubborn?
Me. No question.
22. Who hogs the bed?
The dogs.
23. Who wakes up earlier?
I do. I make coffee, breakfast and lunch while michelle gets ready. Then I get ready for the day.
24. Where was your first date?
The legendary night of Hockey & Pizza at her place.
25. Who has the bigger family?
Michelle comes from a family of six siblings, hers is giant. I have a lot of relatives in Europe.
26. Do you get flowers often?
Me? Never but Michelle gets them once in a blue moon when she deserves them :-)
27. How do you spend the holidays?
Relaxing and catching up on life.
28. Who is more jealous?
29. How long did it take to get serious?
Not long at all.
30. Who eats more?
We both enjoy good food.
31. Who does the laundry?
32. Who is better with the computer?
Me but not by much
33. Who drives when you are together?
Me ususally but that's cause she's crazy behind the wheel!!!
TAG... you're it.
I hate to say it online and publically but you have received flowers on occasions when you deserve it.
Is Anonymous implying you've never done anything to deserve flowers?
Woah ! Did you forget the time you got Flowers Gio ? I wonder what kind of flowers you got ? Roses ? Carnations ? Tulips ?
your pal,
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