

Since last weekend was a bust thanks to a lovely pair of KIDNEY STONES, Michelle and I decided to cram this weekend full of shenanigans to make up for lost time...

* Michelle had a WHISTLER SNOW DAY for work on Friday

* Dinner with Ali & Todd on Friday Night

* I watched a matinee of GHOST RIDER with Chad on Saturday

* Michelle attended CAZ'S BIRTHDAY Pub Lunch on Saturday

* Dinner with Sarah & George Saturday Night

* ALI'S BIRTHDAY drink-a-thon Saturday Night (Chad took some PICS too)

* Enjoyed the PROPAGANDA WINTER EVENT on Sunday

* To top it all off, we visited our puppy LAVERNE who is now 4 weeks old

Pretty packed weekend and a great one if I do say so myself... now we need to go to sleep.


Anonymous said...

So glad to see the new post. I was getting worried that I was going to have to come rescue you off the "maybe they're marked" snowshoe trails. Wouldn't have been able to rescue you until today anyways, since I got snowed in at my school yesterday. Good times!

CAMacKinnon said...

I can't wait until you have a kid so I don't have to see all this damn fun you have on weekends!

Oh... wait... you're getting a puppy. That'll slow you down!