
Pain thy name is Kidney Stones

So I was feeling a little under the weather yesterday (cough, sore throat, runny nose) and I decided I was going to leave work around lunch. At 11:30 I got a sharp pain in my side, I wasn't sitting or standing in an odd position but I felt a really bad stitch in my side. I left work and as I was driving home, it got worse. By the time I got home, the pain was so bad that I couldn't sit, stand or lie down for more than a moment, it had taken over my left side, moved to my belly and the top of my legs. I called Michelle to come home and drive me to the doctor as I couldn't drive myself.

We tried to go to the Hospital but the line-up at Emergency was huge so we went to the local clinic instead. The receptionist could see I was in major pain (pale, cold sweats, constantly moving) so she got me in right away to see a doctor. After a few questions and a brief examination, she said I had kidney stones. I would need an ultrasound to verify but that was the diagnosis. Awesome. She prescribed me some painkillers (thank god) and off to the Ultrasound we went.

Sure enough, the ultrasound did indeed show stones in my system and now I got to spend 1-4 days passing them. That's right, 1-4 days of uncomfortable, sometimes searing pain, pain so bad sometimes, it makes you vomit. Pretty I know, but I have never felt pain like this before and the doctor said it's the closest a man can come to childbirth... fantastic.

Anyway, I'm at home right now, hopped up on "go pills" doing everything in my power to get these calcium-encrusted bastards through my system, let's hope it's sooner rather than later.


Anonymous said...

Good luck, honey. Wouldn't want to be you right now. The good thing about the pain of labour, however, is that you get a beautiful baby at the end of it all. So the pain is worth it.

What do YOU get at the end of all of this?

CAMacKinnon said...

Geez, dude. You go from Marathon Man to Season 2 of Deadwood. What's next? Misery?