We were all expecting it, and honestly hoping that it would happen to end his suffering but it doesn't make it any easier.
Nonno Giovanni and I were not that close due to the language barrier but love was there, he was a good man, a hard working man and a man who was very proud of his family. When he was younger (when I was a kid) he would come to Vancouver every summer or so and work in the gardens during the day and make kick ass meatballs at night (still are the best meatballs ever in my opinion). Honestly, my Nonno was legendary for his meatballs, they were made from a secret recipe that only he knew and I don't know if he passed it on or not! He loved his family and he loved to sit around the table after dinner getting into discussions or debates with his kids. My dad and him talked often and I would talk through my dad to my grandfather when the chance was there. I'm glad I got to spend time with him and I am glad Michelle got to meet him before he passed.
He is the last of my grandparents and I will miss him a lot, not only for the memories I have of him in my life but to see the happiness in my dad whenever he would see or speak to him. While being a man of few words, his presence was felt throughout the family and that was a good thing. He is and will always be a great man. Thanks for everything you have been and done for the Corsi Family, Nonno Giovanni, I love you and will miss you.