Sweet fancy moses! After about 13 weeks of living with bad smelling garbage piling up in our garage and all over downtown Vancouver, the Outside Workers finally came to an agreement with the city and they are going back to work today! Awesome news! AWESOME! For those of you who know me well, you know I have a very sensative "gag reflex" and sometimes that old garbage smell has caused me to... gag on more than one occasion. It's going to take a few trips to clean up the city but at least it's happening!
Other than that, it's been a busy weekend. Continued pics with the 40D, gardening, taking care of our neice Shannon and nephew Colin (who schooled me at Halo 3) and celebrating Lorissa's Birthday with a surprise bash at the Alibi Room (Chad's pics can be seen HERE!!!).
Other than that, going to a Canucks game this week and Laverne goes in for her surgery on Friday. Get ready for the CONE OF SHAME!
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