Michelle and I decided it was time to throw a party. We had yet to have a housewarmer and since we were in Toronto for my Birthday, a party on the 23rd was out of the question, so we went for a
BAH! What is a
BAH you ask? It's three milestone celebrations rolled into one...
B is for
Birthday - my 35th to be exact
A is for
Anniversary - we've been married for 2 years
H is for
Housewarming - introducing people to "Casa Del Corsi"

The day started with cold & wet gambling on the ponies at
HASTINGS PARK. Summer is definitely over but a handful of us braved the elements for some beer, burgers and betting on the Horses. Unfortunately I didn't win a cent, not one cent. Lorissa did (betting on the fourth horse in the fourth race to win) and she wasn't even there! Tells you what kind of luck we were having.

After that, it was
HOUSE PARTY time but we added a HAT THEME which 90% of the guests stuck too, awesome. The rum was flowing, the Guitar Hero was hopping and the good times were plentiful. It was great to see peeps together again and even Laverne had a great time, mixing it up with the folks!
Special thanks to Victoria for the prep help, bringing Birthday Cake and Cupcakes, Chad for being the official photographer of the festivities and Chris for helping clean up the disaster afterwards. You know it's a good party when the rummy in the alley is thanking you for the boatload of empties from the night before.
Thanks for everyone who took part in the
BAH PARTY and thanks for all the great gifts, we now have enough wine to last us through the apocalypse.
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