It started with the biggest buffet of BBQ MEAT you've seen in a while. Yes, we had a Memphis Blues Luncheon at work Friday and as tasty as it was, by 3pm that afternoon, some folks were fast asleep at their desks. I also came home and surprised Michelle with her own Macbook... she's excited! Saturday we went to Ikea and Eurotile to prep for our home renovations (we are redoing the bathrooms), then on Saturday night we had a great evening of dinner and drinks with Clint & Andrea, Eric and Brimstone. Sunday, Michelle hung out with Caz while the guys and I caught 30 DAYS OF NIGHT (awesome). As for Laverne, she's not wearing the "cone of shame" yet as she started her heat this week and for safety reasons, we are going to wait before she goes in for her operation. Pinchy is still planning for world domination.
All in all a good yet "quiet" weekend.
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