This blog is usually very "Gio-centric" talking about our activities or Laverne, from my point of view. Only once in a blue moon does Michelle tickle the keyboard and write a few installments of her adventures or Corsiworld. Recently, it came to my attention as I was talking to Michelle, that I have never seen her at work in "the field", I saw her once water sampling at a gas station, but I have never seen her in "the field", you know with Drillers, Rigs, Dumptrucks full of soil, contaminated elements of who knows what.
Yes, you read that right. Drillers, Rigs and contaminated who knows what. Michelle is an Environmental Scientist and that means that while I'm out there trying to corrupt the world through Video Games, Michelle is trying to save it.
I find her work fascinating and I asked Michelle if she could get a picture of her in "the field" one day. So she sent me this. Look at how awesome she is, hardhat, fire-retardent suit, work boots, safety glasses, gloves and a smiile that melts my heart. I love my Environmental Scientist wife, she's just so damn cool.
I don't think Michelle would appreciate you calling her retardent on the inter-web...
she is so frickin' adorable. : D
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