Hey gang, remember my earlier post about my upcoming Dental Adventure?
Well, it started today with (insert dranatic music here) the ROOT CANAL. I got into the chair about 2:00 and told the dentist about the extra nerve clusters in my jaw and about being a big baby. The dentist said "yeah yeah" and shoved the needle into my mouth, no topical gel, no warning just the needle... and then there were three more needles.
The worst thing about a root canal is not the discomfort, it's the noise. Awful! I think horror movies sound better than a root canal and since I can't open my mouth that much, the dentist kept having to stop and say "please open your mouth more". An hour later, I felt like hell and my jaw was sore even with the quart of pain killer injected into it. The dentist said "I'm giving you some Tylenol 3 because you my friend, are going to be sore"... awesome.
Overall, a root canal isn't as bad as the stories say as long as you are frozen. You are aware that something is going on but you can only feel pressure. The worst part is the noise, be sure to bring your iPod. Actually the worst part is the price... pray for dental coverage.
Next up? Wisdom Teeth!!!
My dentist supplies the music when it comes to "operations" like that. Sounds like you got the (re-made) Little Shop of Horrors treatment.
But let me tell you, listening to The Who Sell Out, while being slightly high on Nitrous Oxide, is a bit trippy.
You, my friend, are a great big sissy pants.
Somebody call the "WWWAAAHHHMMMbulance"!
Whatever, at least I am confronting my fears and living to tell the tale. Gambler is still a virgin and Estuart is American... 'nuff said.
Sick. I found the problem was the grinding and crunching noise bypass your ears and travel directly into your brain. Headphones won't help, my friend...
Did they get to the "root" of the problem....ha ha...
god, I am funny
I have to get 2 filings on Monday... I've only ever had one tiny filing before, so this should be interesting. Mind you, after having a kid, a needle in the mouth can't be that bad... right? RIGHT!!?
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