Luckily my Dentist and his staff are pretty top notch but that doesn't stop me from freakin' out.
Anyway, after an inspection and some x-rays, the Dentist tells me that I have a bad infection and I need a root canal... fun. He shoots me twice with that massive horse needle (one of the worst parts of going to the Dentist), sets me up and prepares to operate. As soon as the drill his my tooth, I scream and my limbs start flailing... not enough freezing. He gives me another shot and tries again. More pain, I can still feel everything.
On a side note, it has been brought to my attention that I have additional "nerve clusters" in my jaw so where a reguar joe needs one shot to freeze up, I usually need five. Fun eh? Especially for someone that doesn't like shots or the dentist to begin with?!?!? That's right, my mutant power is that I have too much feeling in my jaw... I'm gonna be in the next X-Men movie.
So now I have three shots worth of freezing in me and the Dentist says that I am too infected to operate on so I need to see a "specialist" but first I have to go on medication to get the infection dealt with. The specialist will deal with this root canal, then I have to see another specialist to take out my wisdom teeth, then I come back to my dentist to get a crown on my recently rooted tooth. All this for a mild pain in my jaw???? Crap... maybe I should just get a sharp punch in the face, knock some teeth out and deal with it all in one swoop.
Anyway, there you have it, this little painful adventure to the dentist will probably end up costing me a pretty penny even with my coverage cause you know for damn sure that I am going to be knocked out cold for any and all surgeries. Screw extra cost, screw extra risk... knock me out baby cause I hate the Dentist.
Oh man! That sucks!!! I feel for ya...
Use a hockey skate... in a cave. Cheaper.
P.S. My word verification is "donht". Which reminds me, I'm hungry.
Oh my... you poor thing.
That's one of the scariest stories I've ever heard about the dentist. I also hate the dentist, and needles... I'm ok with spiders... but not zombie zpiders.
your pal,
A hockey skate is a good idea, but what about home surgery by your wife...all you need is a bottle of scotch, the blade to a leg shaver and tweezers...you can do with at home, while watching a DVD with Michelle...Problem SOLVED.
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