First off, on Friday night, our Fridge starting leaking... leaking bad. Yes our brand new 4 month old Fridge is spilling water. Now, I don't know if it's the water line or the fridge itself but there's water on the floor and possible damage to the hardwood. Awesome!!!
Then on saturday my Mini died.. died hard. Turn the key and there's nothing, no click, no ping, no lights, no power, no nothing. I called Mini Service, they sent a towtruck, tried to give me a jump and... nothing. The car was dead. They towed it to the garage and I was carless, in New West on a Saturday night (sounds like a movie premise).
Then Monday morning, a $400 payment came out of my account for a loan I had paid off and closed the previous week. That money was supposed to go to my monthly car payment and instead it went to a loan payment that shouldn't exist anymore.
On the plus side, Michelle and I confirmed our trip to Disneyland this summer. First time ever for me, we are excited!!!
As a great comedy troupe once sang: "Always look on the bright side of life"! The fridge and the car will be fixed and the bank will fix the payment error, right?
Always look on the bright side of life.
Crappy deal dude. Disneyland's gonna be awesome though. Maybe Karma wants you to have so much fun in Disneyland that it is sucking the fun out of life now so your time in Cali can be that much better!
Hope you going soon though, cause at this rate either it's going to be the best trip ever, or you'll get attacked by ninjas by the end of July...
When are you going?
Man, when it rains..it pours.
Hang in there.
1) Does your fridge have a water dispenser in the door? Those are notorious (I'm told) for breaking. Maybe not leaking water everywhere, but having the tubes and the hinges together, can cause problems.
2) Your mini loves you, but you leased it. It doesn't want to go when the lease is up. This is its way of saying, "Don't leave me. I wouldn't leave you. In fact, I'm not going anywhere." The conspiracy theory on this is that your mini reads your blog and really doesn't like that Mazda you posted. This is revenge. Mini revenge.
3) You might want to check in with Concorde LaForge. I believe he had something to do with it.
As far as Disneyland goes, I was there in '84. One of the highlights of the trip was something I don't even remember. I remember going into Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, and I remember leaving the ride, but I don't remember anything in between. By the Lords of Cobol I swear they hypnotized me. Have fun. Just avoid the Wild Ride.
All valid points Cam. Yes the Fridge is dumb, yes the MINI wants revenge, yes it's all Concorde LaForge's fault... damn moon president!!!
Oh, and YOU'RE a Mr.. Toad!
Hey little brother, I feel your car pain... when Michelle was down here, my car died... and two trips to the dealer and $500 later... I they replaced the RPM sensor... but in the meantime I had a rental POS car...
By the way... the boys still don't know anything about D-land!!!
Oh, bed time... I have to be up in a couple of hours to watch day 7 of the World Cup
Besos y Abrazos Michelle/Gio
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