It’s a rare day on our fair planet. A day that only occurs once every year, a day when our three moons align (yes, there are three, it’s a conspiracy), a day when all war stops for 24 brief hours, a day when everyone on the planet drinks hearty and get’s along.
Yes, it’s Kevin Gamble’s Birthday.
Whether he’s slinging drinks at the Tiki Bar, making toons at work or blowing me away on the 360, the Gambler has never failed at making me laugh.
Like the time he guzzled a glass of Vodka thinking it was water and threw up out of his bedroom window?
Like the time he dumped his bike just hours after paying for it?
Like the time he was a Halloween fiend?
Like the time he made us pull over on Kingway and introduced all his buddies to “The Rancor”?
Like the time we were playing car-tag and he slammed into the back of my car ruining his front end and doing no damage to mine?
Like the time he ate almost 60 meaty hot wings in one sitting?
Like the time and time again that he has always been there for me as a trusted and fantastic friend?
Yes, the Gambler can make me laugh. His sharp wit and biting monologue on society or anything else that tickles his fancy keeps me entertained all hours of the day. He’s a good friend and worthy of a good birthday nod.
So pour yourself some of your favorite elixir, raise your glass and toast the Gambler. Of all the funniest people on the planet, I’m glad to be laughing with him.
Happy Birthday pal!!!

Happy Birthday Kev...Gamble...Johnny Johnny...Gambler...Rancor?...Sible?...Guy with more names then Fletch?
Have a good one pal
Remember when Gamblor had his own website? Yeah, that was awesome.
Belated, Kevin.
Oh... and I do need to know more about this Rancor you speak of.
Happy Birthday Kevin :)
Happy Birthday Gamblor.
The Rancor? Well, remember the sound the Rancor first makes when he is released from his holding pen after Luke and that poor Gammorean Guard fall through the trap door? Well, that's the sound that Kevin makes when he barfs. Seriously, he is that loud and it is that funny.
Fweww, I'm so glad to hear that Rancor is not a pet name for the twig and berries, that would have been awkward for all involved!!!!
Fweww, I'm so glad to hear that Rancor is not a pet name for the twig and berries, that would have been awkward for all involved!!!!
No, Kevin calls that his Mon Mothma.
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