What a week indeed, so much has happened it's hard to believe it's all over but at the same time, I'm glad it is and I am home...
- DAY 1 - Came down to GDC (The Game Developers Conference) on the 6am flight to have an interview with an awesome company in Europe which went quite well. Then I went to the conference itself and met some old co-workers and made some new contacts. I went for dinner with some friends at TWO and ended the night by hooking up with Adam, Kraig, Tim and a few others for a night of boozey fun. I also popped into the Edge/LucasArts Party.
- DAY 2 - More GDC, more meetings and I signed a deal! That's right, I HAVE A NEW JOB!!! Now... I won't say what the job is until the Visa situation is confirmed as I don't want to jinx it but until that time, let's just say it involves a move to "Singapore" and it involves "Star Wars". You got it? More on this in a few weeks when it's all finalized (keep your fingers crossed). We ended the night with a great dinner at HOUSE OF NANKING, which still remains the "Best Chinese Food, I've ever had" and then drinks at the W.
- DAY 3 - Woo Hoo! Michelle is coming down this afternoon to spend the weekend with me so we can celebrate our new adventure. But before that, more GDC, meeting folks who work for my new company and then making plans with Brooke & Buckley (Buckley is down here for work, Brooke is here visiting). While I was in a Seminar, my phone started going crazy as Michelle was desperately trying to get a hold of me which is odd because I thought she would have been on the plane by now! Turns out, her passport expired and they wouldn't let her on the plane. She got her flight moved to 7pm, and then over the span of three hours, got a new application, new pics, a new signature and two references which resulted in a new passport and she made the plane at 7pm. A Huge thanks to the team at Dr. Gloag's office, Victoria and Chad for assisting Michelle in her adventure. Anyway, she made it down, we had a late Mexican dinner at CHEVYS, then met Chris & Brooke for drinks at W.
- DAY 4 - The final day of GDC, I took Michelle to the Conference and introduced her to a bunch of "work" folk, she also got to wear my pass and see the nerd-o-naughts in full action. We then went to Lucasfilm at the PRESIDIO and got a full tour by my old friend Matt (which was awesome, such a cool campus). We then went to FISHERMAN'S WHARF, UNION SQUARE, home for a siesta then dinner at an awesome Thai place called OSHA.
- DAY 5 - We started with coffees and shopping on MARKET STREET, we then met Brooke & Buckley for brunch at CITIZEN CAKE. We walked up the street to look at THE PAINTED LADIES. Then Jen met us and while Michelle & Jen went for pedicures, Buckley, Brooke and I walked down MARKET STREET, we separated and I went home to watch THE SPIRIT (awful). I met up with Michelle and Jen again and she took us for a driving tour around the city (LOMBARD STREET, THE MARINA DISTRICT, CHINATOWN) and then we went for some kick ass Mexican at TRES AGAVES. Jen dropped us off in NOB HILL and we went for drinks at THE TONGA ROOM (a tiki bar) and TOP OF THE MARK (a sky bar overlooking the city). Sweet!
- DAY 6 - A quick jaunt down to the EMBARCADARO for a fantastic brunch at FOG CITY DINER, then another walk along FISHERMAN'S WHARF. We then hopped onto a CABLE CAR back downtown before heading to the PALACE OF FINE ARTS. From there we walked to CRISSY FIELD and then back to the MARINA DISTRICT for a late afternoon drink. We then hooked up with Adam & Jen for a goodbye dinner in their hometown of HEYWOOD (outside Oakland). Then back to the Hotel to pack for the flight home...
It was an awesome trip to SAN FRANCISCO for both work and pleasure and here are the PICS to prove it! We had kick ass weather the entire week and got to see one of the most beautiful cities in North America, plus I got a job! That sounds like a pretty good week to me!
This entire post deserves one big fat "YAY!" Everything sounds wonderful :)
GIO ! CONGRATULATIONS MAN ! That is awesome news ! Wow ! I can't wait to hear more about the new job :)
your pal,
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