...and it's awesome!
I've always been a fan of G.I. JOE whether it's the toys, the comics or the 80's morning cartoon but what always bothered me about it is that machine guns fired lasers and no one died, they always escaped via parachute no matter how brutal the explosion. They never treated the source material as adult. I had some heightened hoped for the G.I. JOE: THE RISE OF COBRA movie but it looks like such a departure from the original source material I don't know if it should even count as G.I. JOE. It looked like I was never going to see the G.I. JOE I always wanted to see.
Then I heard about G.I. JOE: RESOLUTE. Last year at Comic Con when they were talking about the movie, they showed a two minute clip of this new JOE cartoon Hasbro was working on which you can see here. Wow... now that has potential! Well, it's been over a year since we saw that little clip and now G.I. JOE RESOLUTE is finally on the air.
This kick ass PG-13 take on the classic franchise was written by Warren Ellis (Planetary, Transmetropolitan, Ultimate Galactus, Thunderbolts) and is being presented as ten 5-minute shorts, and one 10-minute conclusion piece. After that it will be presented as one hour long film and hopefully then will appear on DVD.
This is the G.I.JOE I was always looking for, fast, brutal and characters die (morbid I know but after years of watching Duke fire a gun straight at an enemy and nothing happening, so then he has to run up to the guy and knock him out with his fist - you crave a little more reality). The animation looks stellar and I think this will help alleviate the sour taste that RISE OF COBRA will probably leave in my mouth.
Yo Joe!
1 comment:
OH MY GOD THAT'S COOL !!! Did you see the new figures too ?!?!? They look amazing !
your pal,
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