So I am currently at work in San Francisco for two weeks at the mothership. I decided to get up to Vancouver for the weekend in-between and boy howdy, am i glad i did. Even though it was short, a few days of recharge with friends, family and the dogs is worth more than you can imagine!!!
FRIDAY - Arrived in Vancouver in the late afternoon and was off in a flash. I debarked the plane, got through customs and was outside waiting for Michelle in about 90 seconds, no joke, fastest entry ever!!! Michelle and Lance picked me up and we went for a quick bite at Sushiyama (always good), I bought some clothing essentials at Mark's across the street, then headed home. It was great to see Laverne & Carmine again. We played for a few hours, Michelle gave me some Olympic clothes (hoodie, mittens & touque) and then we went to the Red Lion to see my dad. Family dinner, ran into Todd & Ali and then home for the night.
SATURDAY - Slept in a little (last of the jetlag) and then Victoria came over to hang out of the day. We did some shopping, had lunch at Cactus Club (miss those Hot Wings) and Lesley joined us for the remainder of the day. Went home to take the dogs for a walk in the park (I forgot how much I enjoyed that), then we headed to Chad's place for a BBQ Party. A bunch of peeps gathered for some grilled meat and Old Fashioneds and lots of laughter, it was great to see those people again, thanks for hosting Chad!
SUNDAY - A good nights rest followed by a great brunch at Milestone's with about 15 of our friends, that was awesome, it was good to catch up with some people that I haven't seen for months (thanks for setting that up Lesley). We then headed home and took the dogs for a long walk around the neighborhood looking at all the new houses that have cropped up and entertaining Michelle with stories of my youth. We then went to Sarah & George's for a great Oscar Party (Hurt Locker? Really? Should have been Inglorious Basterds).
MONDAY - Lazy morning hanging around the house which led to us getting a late start (totally fine). We went to the bank to deal with some financial shenanigans (you can never escape the Shenanigans), lunch at The Reef on Commercial, back to Awesometown to pick up some mail, then to the store to pick up supplies for dinner, then home for a big family feast. Michelle's folks, my folks, my aunt, uncle, Lance, the boys and Ida & Albert popped by to introduce us all to their new daughter Lola (10 days old, so cute). A great way to cap off the whole weekend.
TUESDAY - Woke up at 3:30am to shower and down a coffee so Michelle could drive me to the airport for my 6am flight to San Francisco and work at 9am. Awesome weekend with Michelle in Vancouver, like I said, too short but better than no weekend at all. See you soon Vancouver!!!

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