Over the holidays, we found out the Michelle’s Dad, Captain Bob,was going to go into the Hospital in February for an Angiogram due to chest pains and possible heart problems. This of course could lead to an Angioplasty or Open Heart Surgery, not the kind of news you want over the holidays. Well, Sunday we found out that Bob was going in this week, Wednesday, as his pain was getting worse and waiting till February could spell disaster. Bob went in for surgery and had the angiogram which revealed a blocked artery and a dead artery. The surgeon repaired the blocked artery with 2 stents to help the blood flow but had to leave the dead one as the heart had already made the compensations for this lifeless tissue and removing it would be a much more invasive surgery that was not required.
Due to the surgeons amazing skill we are happy to report that is was a success. Dad came home with more color in his face than he has had for months and was in great spirits which is good news indeed. He will be running at about 90% so we all have to pitch in to help out around the house more but we are happy to do it, we just make sure to keep the jokes to a minimum so he doesn’t laugh too hard and pop his stitches… that wouldn’t be that funny at all.
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