I cannot stop crying. I got Sebbers when I was single, on my own and lonely. I thought that a pet will love you unconditionally and I needed that at that point in my life. Off I went to the SPCA in Prince Rupert and found my lovely little black, white and brown fluff ball. Seriously non-stop action and into everything at the pound, I fell in love. However we were not allowed pets in the appartment I was living in so we put him in a backpack and hiked the 12 flights of stairs listening to his baby mews unti we reached the apartment. He was tiny and sweet. I swore to never let anyone manhandle him in play or otherwise and it resulted in a wonderful affectionate cat who loved everyone and just wanted to be loved.
Over the years, 7 only, we travelled together to Prince Rupert and back a few times, him in the car chasing the street lights as best he could, and lived in 13 different places. One such place was a 300 square foot basement suite with Auntie Victoria whom he loved to annoy by playing with noisy toys in the middle of the night, walking through poo and then on her bed and teaming with me to chase any reflection onto Vics head while she slept. I am not sure what else he did when I was not there but stuff worthy of being locked in the bathroom until I got home.
We also lived in Victoria with a crazy landlord who would blame Sebbers for everything even if his only crime was to not allow her dog, a huge lab, his dinner and made the dog watch while Sebbers stole all his food. From there we moved to Kits with his Auntie Jen and was very happy laying in the sunbeams in the basement and again doing things I know not as I would find him there locked in my room at times. Through it all when I was sad he knew and would come cuddle me, when I was happy he would chase me around and play, when I was dating different boys he would let me know wether he approved or not by wanting to get in or not on the cuddling action.
However once we met Gio, that was it. Sebbers was in love with the big man and while I would get ready he would make himself comfortable on Gio's chest happily being scratched and drooling in contentment. We got new kitties, and puppies and more new homes and still he remained my little man always knowning when to sit on me for love and support or to sit near me for companionship.

February our world turned around a little as I noticed my bud acting different and the Vet told us it was diabetes. This is a fairly common disease in cats and Sebbers was managing very well on his insulun shots and new diet. We thought we were clear and easy. Until Tuesday. Gio came home to find Sebbers in his own filth in the middle of a huge diabetic seizure. We had no idea how long he had been like that but we knew it was bad. Went to the vet, his blood sugar was extremely low, they put him on pain killers, seizure-stoppers and glucose to bring him back up to normal. This was around 6:30 pm.
We got home around 12:10am, Sebbers came with us and was out like a light so we really had no idea if he was okay or if there was any further damage (like brain or spinal or something) but his glucose was back up and he's breathing normal.
However, Sebastion had a rough night, although drugged up to the gills (to relieve pain & stop continued seizures), he did not regain any mobility (bad) and in the morning starting dry heaving blood & seizing again (worse). Went to the Vet, there was not much they could do for him until the blood tests came back which would be this evening. So, the Vet recommended a specialist to us which we went to.
The Canada West Veterinary Specialists & Critical Care hospital was amazing! Honestly as we walked in we felt a wave of relief wash over as we knew Sebbers would be well looked after. The staff were awesome and in particular Dr. Trevor Enberg was professional, caring and spoke to us like we were intelligent, he really took the time to explain everything and answer our questions, so wonderful. We were not worried about Sebbers care at all. There, Sebastion went through a battery of tests, his blood sugar wasn't staying up but his liver and heart were okay. He had swelling in the brain as a result of the prolonged seizures which affected his vision and his mobility, his potassium was also on the fritz. We had to leave him for the day and night in hopes that they could reduce the swelling in his brain and get him equilibriated. This was terriible. Although he was in a bad state and we were worried about the outcome we at least were not worried about his care.
Today was not so good. We were asked to come in for a talk with the doc. He explained the extent of the brain damage was such that Sebastion would never recover. We got to visit him and then hold him for the last few hours. The staff waited until we were ready with no pressure at all, and finally we had to say goodbye.
It was the worst day ever. However my little Sebbers in his final hours did get to sleep in his moms arms one last time.
He was the best cat you could want. He never used his claws, always wanted loves, would come and snuggle at bedtime usually sitting on my head then sliding off so he was as close as possible to me, or laying directly on and drooling all over the book you may have been reading, he did these things with a look of love and adoration on his little face that was so intense that it melted your heart. My life was better for having him there with me and he will be missed more than words can express. It will take me a long time to adjust to not having him around.

We love you Sebastion, you were one of a kind.