Well, last night it happened. Last night I slipped ever closer to that dark abyss known as "total & complete nerdiness" with no hope of escaping. How could this happen?
Because last night I attended the first meeting of COMIC BOOK CLUB.
Our buddy BUCKLEY decided that since most of our girlfriends/wives attend a monthly book club (which is true, Michelle has been part of the Book Club for over six months), the guys should do the same. But instead of novels, we will read Comic Books.
We'll get together, order pizza, drink beer and talk comics and that's what we did... eat pizza, drink beer and talk comics. The first book to get the spotlight was the classic THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS, next month we will read IDENTITY CRISIS and KINGDOM COME (on a bit of a DC kick for the moment). The nerdiness level was high but the good times were had and it was cool to see what everyone liked or formed opinions on in the group... just like a real book club!
I must admit I felt extra geeky, able to pull of names of books, writers and artists at the drop of a hat when a question was asked. On the list of 20 books to read, I had read them all except one, ONE! I was feeling super-nerdy for that but hey, what other group could I do that in and not get luaghed at.
Thanks Buckley for coming up with the group and hosting the first meeting. I can't wait for the next one!
Pics of utter geekiness can be found HERE!
I thought the first rule of COMIC BOOK CLUB was don't talk about COMIC BOOK CLUB.
Or am I just hoping. ;)
Without a doubt Gio... When it comes to comic books, your knowledge is limitless !
See you soon :)
your pal,
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