Remember the post where I was complaining about the DENTIST?
And there there was the time I got a ROOT CANAL?
Well the adventure continues. This morning I had my three remaining Wisdom Teeth removed.
So this is the situation, my two left wisdom teeth are horizontally impacted (one is also infected). The top right one is still way up in my jaw and actually poking through the bottom of my sinus cavity. They are all coming out today and the operation itself will take less than 30 minutes. Nothing to worry about right?
Actually... right.
Out of everything I've ever had done to me in a surgical sense, this was the easiest thanks to two magical words... IV SEDATION. If you ever have your wisdom teeth out, take it from me, IV Sedation is your ticket to a pain free experience.
Let me take you through the last few hours: I hardly spoke all morning as I was freaked out (nothing really to be scared of but I fear the dentist so my imagination was getting the better of me). We got to the office, I sat in the chair, the nurse and doctor asked me a few questions, I cracked a couple jokes. The nurse took my Blood Pressure which ofcourse was through the roof, they gave me some oxygen, then popped in the IV needle, last thing I remember clearly is talking about Boston Terriers and then the next time I opened my eyes, I was in the recovery room with Michelle holding my hand (a nice way to wake up).
The operation was a pain free experience but the recovery so far has been hell. It hurts, there is a strong throbbing in my face (which is swollen) and a sharp pain in my left cheek from the sinus stiches. I bleed like a stuck pig so you can imaging the horror show that is going on my mouth right now. I'm still a little woozy and weak and once in a while I get light headed but the pain always snaps me back to reality. I have T3's but they don't seem to do much. Luckily, I have my wife playing Nurse and that's the best medicine I could ask for. As a support team to Michelle, I got two cats, I got tons of movies and xbox so hopefully the recovery time goes smoothly. But the pain... this is what getting hit in the face with a 2x4 must feel like.
2 dental operations down, 1 to go... The Crown.
Damn! I remember getting my wisdom teeth out too and I was put under as well. I love me some IV sedation alright. Did you ask for them? I still have my wisdom teeth at home in a small box cause I'm hoping to plant them one day and grow some skeletons or something...
Whoa! Thank God for Disney health insurance eh?!
You are so brave. I could not imagine doing this operation.
Gio. Darling. I haven't even read the post yet, but I have to tell you that that picture was exactly what I needed to see this morning :)
I feel horrible that you had to go through that, but the expression on your face is priceless! A great reminder of what a teddy bear you are.
I hope you feel better soon.
You may want to consider a third day away from the office pal...
You should have seen that whole "T3's not working" thing coming, you know, with your super powers of ~with a loud deep voice~ "no medication can cure him" origins...don't worry, I won't tell anyone your weaknes...you're the only one who can read this right?....
Remember what Kramer said: From pain, will come pleasure.
(Unrelated: my word verification is "etodd". It's like an electronic version of Todd that Ali can take with her wherever she goes.)
A quick punch to the head will also knock you right out for a couple of hours.
Drink lots of water, juice...
Try to relax.
Milk this for a while!
get better...
Hang in there Gio !
I had the same thing done when I was 17. I also chose the IV SEDATION route. Your face will turn three different colours before the pain goes away.
Get lots of rest man !
Luckily you've got a great partner to look after you.
your pal,
i just had my wisdom teeth out two week ago and i was really suprised at how little pain i was in!!! it may sound weird nut i had a really good expierence actually! like i said no pain no swelling (well a lil) other than that i was eating chocolate three days after at the front of my mouth which was pleasent !! i had the op done on the nhs in sidcup anh had all 4 out at once so anybody worried bowt it dnt just have good thoughts on your mind about it all the time!!!
wisdom teeth extraction recovery has been marred by the very thing that was supposed to be helping me ... percocet (oxycodone). Now the bad thing about this whole story is that I know my body isn't a big fan of the prescription pain meds. removing wisdom teeth
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