Every hero needs a villain and like Superman who has his Bizzaro, I have Chris Buckley. I met Buckley about 8 years ago at a Mainframe staff party and back then he was a wide-eyed animator ready to take on the world. Today I know better, you see today, I know that Buckley is a JERK!
Now I'm not talking about the Steve Martin "wild and crazy guy" kind of Jerk, I'm talking about the star wars, comic book, Bruce Campbell-loving, xbox-gaming, movie watching jerk. You see, he's much like me, he's my Bizzaro Superman.
Buckley's better half on the other hand, BROOKE, is great and she decided to throw her guy a surprise 30th birthday party last night and it was a success. Buckley was surprised, Buckley was surrounded by friends and famly, Buckley had a good time.
He's still a jerk though... Happy Birthday Jerk!!!
Check out some birthday pics HERE!!!
Thanks so much for taking pictures, Gio!
They're great, unlike you....
Brooke did such a great job, he was totally surprised! What a party! The best cake ever...nice pics GIO !!!
Happy Birthday JERK, we wanted to be there, but Mother Nature kicked us in the junk. Great pics G, I just printed them all out and posted them around the room, now, it's like we were there! Except we didn't have to talk the the JERK... :)) Cheers Buckley, Happy Bizzaro Birthday
Looks like some crazy phun!!
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