First off, the food. 14, 000 resaurants in the major metropolitan area (gives you an idea of the size of the city) and everything we tried, we loved. Kobe Beef Burgers, Rock Shrimp, Pulled-Pork Sammiches, homemade Guacamole, Deep Dish Pizza, Steak, Big Salads, the list goes on and on and it was all coma-inducing goodness.
Then, the city. Honestly, it was fantastic. Chicago is a history-rich city that's broken up into different neighbourhoods (Lakeview, Uptown, Wrigleville, Roscoe etc.), they each have their pros and cons but they all have a lot of neighbourhood pride which was really cool. We saw the Cubs play at Wrigley Field, we saw comedy at Second City (yes, THAT Second City), we took a boat tour in and around Chicago and we BBQ'ed with friends ending up with booze, comedy shows and some Guitar Hero.
Then the heat. 97 degrees, muggy and humid like a mofo, I had to change twice a day due to the sweat that was pouring off my body. Even the locals were saying "I don't remember it this hot before". Michelle wanted to get into an Environmental discussion but then she found some cheap shoes, and I found some cheap jeans and there was always tons of cheap food and booze. Other than housing, food, entertainment and supplies are all cheap (especially the booze - dear god, are we Canadians getting raked over the coals or what???)!
Finally Adam & Jen. We couldn't ask for more gracious hosts and more hilarious friends. They opened up their kick-ass house to us and made us feel so welcome we didn't wan to leave. They put their lives on hold for four days, to show us their city and a hell of a good time and it's very much appreciated. Thanks for everything guys.

If you ever get the chance... visit Chicago... and try the PULLED PORK SAMMICH!!!