It was a good weekend! First I got a new computer (MacBook Pro), then we had a great evening with out Chicago pals Adam & Jen. Then came Sunday... and the World Cup. Instead of a big party, we opted for a small Italian family gathering and had some fun. Italy won the game, then the food and wine came out like mad, it was great to see my dad & uncle act like a couple of fanboys! Check out the PICS

Great pics G.
LOVE that Italy won! Lots of horns honking in my hood today.
Man, I forgot how much you look like your dad and Patrick looks like Antonio...
Viva Italia!!
I missed the first half, but from what I saw from the second half on, France deserved the win. But games aren't decided on work ethic or skill.
... and Zidane deserves a pat on the back for being the world's biggest moron.
Doesn't matter who "deserves" the win, all that matters is who wins.
Zidane is an idiot, what a way to cap off an impressive career. That's the only thing he will be remembered for.
Who's Zidane? Is he that guy that headbutted some guy that time once during that thing?....
One the few games I watched, it was the best as the diving was to a minimum. I swear, in some of those games, if an opposing player breathed on them to hard, a player would do three barrell rolls and act as though they had been shot thru the ankle.
Congrats on the win Corsi clan!
Living near commercial drive I didn't even have to watch the game to know who won. The whole street errupted, I could hear it from my appartment!
Headbuts for everyone!!
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