Leave it to my buddy Frank to introduce me to the world of cameras and cool photography! Also, leave it to Frank to play the devil on my shoulder and sell me his virtually new Canon Camera... it's awesome! I have a lot to learn about the camera and using it to its full potential but it's going to be a fun experience. Here are some trial pics I took mainly of the cats, Deep Cove and White Rock. Enjoy...
Is that bad boy digital?
Something I just learned (which probably falls into the Duh category with anybody who knows anything about photography): a larger f-stop number means greater focal depth, but doesn't allow as much light in. Likewise, a smaller f-stop number decreases focal depth, but allows more light in (allowing for better "action shots" due to the shutter being open for shorter periods of time).
Anywho, I just learned that.
Oh, and Daryl's now at Propaganda?
So jealous. Damn. Must. Have. One. Too.
Envy overwhelming...must resist green monster...danger,...danger...futreshop getting too close...ahhhhhh!!!!! Damn you Corisiiiiiiii......
Yes it's digital, it's manual and it's awesome!
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