There was a recent article in Vanity Fair about Republican SARAH PALIN that did not paint her in the best light shall we say (read the article HERE). Anyway, reading the comments about the article have proven to be where the real gold is found. We can't figure out if this guy is real or just having a laugh, either way, it's hilarious:
"True Americans take note! This is perexactly an example of what Sarah Palin likes to say when she tries to means by the lame-stream media. You progressive democrats like you are just progresive media’s trying to show us good american’s conservetives how uppidty smart you all are with your ivy leage educations. Is it really an wonder that real Americans have been opened there eyes and see the light that America is finally begnning to becomeing 100 cents all-republican/tea-party world. Trying to find a smart-aleck democtatic socialist is a-like trying find butter in a haystack. It is unpossible. You democratic socialist types try to show how smart you are with your educations and your fast trucks. And quite calling Sarah Palin names like QUITTER. Sarah Palin quit mayor job career as head ruler of Alaska because you elites made it unpossible for her to do a job. She had to quit so she could spend all of her rest of her time with Todd and baby Trip and those other kids. Plus she had to do some tv shows for Fox News and make books. How many of you lame-stream elites have made books and been on tv shows. None, that’s how many. Now leave Sarah palin alone so she can spend all of her time with with family unit. Your are just scared of Srah Palin because she is going to be president in two years and you cant handle the truth. Go Sarah! She's so pretty."
Go Sarah indeed! That's the comment, spelling & structure mistakes and all! The real fear is that despite all the negative stories surrounding Palin, she is gaining popularity and could potentially be a candidate for the Presidency! Even bad press is good press it seems for the ex-Governor of Alaska. Wow...
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