There's tons of artists to look at (And don't worry it's not pRon so you can look at it at work) too, like EDWARD RUNCI, EARL MACPHERSON, PETER DRIBEN, GEORGE PETTY, GIL ELVGREN, BILLY DEVORSS and the legendary ALBERTO VARGAS. While I respect the classics, I like the modern takes on pin-ups, a little more stylized, a little more iconic like RALPH BURCH or JOEL HERRERA but one in particular is my favorite... ANDREW BAWIDAMANN.
How did I find this cool artist? Well, while looking for cool Russian pics for my TIKIBARTV character, Mr. Ambassador, I came across this piece of art.

Wow! How cool is that? The piece is called COSMONAUGHTY and you can find more like it and the ones at the top of this post at his website HERE. There are some great pieces, some military-based, others fantasy-based, as well as sketches, stickers and clothes, unfortunately his book is sold out but if anyone knows where I can snag a copy, please lemme know.
Now, you're probably thinking, what does Michelle think about Pin-up Art? Well, she likes it and appreciates the good stuff! Luckily, she's also a fan of Bawidamann and his iconic/retro style but seriously, how could you not be? You may not like the subject matter but you can definitely dig the style!
You can see some of my favorite Bawidamann pieces HERE!!!
Have you ordered the Cosmonaughty t-shirt, Comrade?
I am wearing it today!
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