I was about to sit down to a couple hours of gaming (my first time since getting back from Europe), I fired up the machine and BOOM the RED RING OF DEATH. I turned it off, unplugged and replugged everything, turned it back on and voila, dead hardware. This has happened enough times to CHAD to know when the system is dead... it's dead... dead. On the plus side, this machine has lasted me 3 years, more than most but like all good things, it must come to an end.
Time for Xbox V2.0
I still haven't had this happen yet... I put in a lot of hours on MASS EFFECT too... It seems inevitable that it is going to happen though. Does your warranty still cover it Gio ?
your pal,
Wow, I'd like to say I'm surprised....
Sorry to hear dude, I was hoping you would not have to experience the awesomeness that is xbox support...
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