So right now, it's Boxing Day, a day traditionally reserved for Shopping and visiting people's houses for little get-togethers. We did neither of these things for one simple reason... SNOW.
Now it's not like there was 15 feet of snow blocking our doors and windows so no one could get in or out and we'd turn into Popsicles but there was a lot of it over Christmas. So much so, our street hasn't been shoveled or salted and all the cars (including ours) are almost up to the windows in snow. Add to that, the roads are all slushy and most Vancouverites are probably the worst drivers in the world, especially in the snow and that adds to the growing list of reasons to stay in, so that's what we did.
And at this moment, Michelle is over at our neighbor's place baking with the girls, while the guys are over here, watching movies and drinking up a storm. Not the original plan for Boxing day but a great day nonetheless. Kinda like our Christmas.
We were supposed to go visit my parents for Christmas Eve but because of the snowfall and the fact that they live high up in North Van, there was no way or econo-class Honda Fit with all season tires was gonna make the trip, so we had Christmas Dinner with our neighbors Tom & Angela which was awesome. Tom whipped up a huge Smoked Turkey, Angela made some kick ass Broccoli & Cauliflower Gratin, we had Thai Wings & the classic Meat Tourtiere and ended the night with Scotch & Cigars. It was weird not seeing my Dad on Christmas Eve but it was a great evening with our Neighbors.
The next day, Laura & Chad stayed over to open presents with us and this time it was our turn to host Christmas Day Dinner. Again because of the snow, not everyone could make it to our place but we still had a great turnout including Michelle's parents, siblings nephews & kids as well as my cousin & step-brother. It was a grand night, we invited Tom, Angela & Carl over as well. I cooked the traditional Dijon Maple Ham while Tom & Carl mastered a Deep-Fried Turkey. We had Chili Garlic Carrots, Creamed Spinach with Bacon & Onions, Mashed Yams, Moonblush Arugula Mint Salad and Scalloped Potatoes... it was a fantastic meal and a fantastic Christmas.