It was a capital weekend. Michelle took me to TOFINO (small coastal BC town known for its surfing and whale watching) for my Birthday. Why wait until November? Well, with fall comes storms, with storms comes lightning and waves, I like taking pictures of Storms and Waves and Michelle knows this, that's why she took me. We rented a big cabin called THE BRICKHOUSE and there were a few of Michelle's work friends there as well as THE FORBZEZ. We spent the weekend eating fine foods, watching storms and having the ultimate relaxing time. Speaking of relaxing, if you get the chance to visit one of Tofino's many spas, CorsiWorld recommends Christy at REFLECTIONS HOLISTIC RETREAT, Michelle swears it's one of the best massages she's had in a long while.
Take a look at some of the pics HERE and if you get the chance, visit Tofino, what everyone says is true...
"It's full of hippies and surfers but man is the scenery cool!!!"

Holy shit. Gorgeous pictures, G. I really miss our Beautiful BC when I see those.
You will look at these photos forever, I hope you know...
Wow. Best set yet.
Dude, those pics are sweeeeeet. The surfing one has me weeping like a little bitch wishing I was back in Oz floating in the water @ 6am as the sun's coming up behind me, waiting for a wave.
nothing like Tofino. It is one of my fav. places on the PLANET.
Great pics. Sad I missed the weekend :(
Dude, Awesome week-end and awesome pics! They turned out great!
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