Despite working in the biz, I've never been much of a gamer but a few months back I got an XBOX360 and some great games. TOMB RAIDER, CALL OF DUTY 2, BURNOUT and lately LEGO STAR WARS. As the months wore on, I played more, I learned more and I enjoyed more and now I'm enjoying video games even though I am still quite the rookie compared to the majority of my homies Rob, Kev, Chad, Adam, Clint and Ferraro.
Anyway, today is a big day in the Gaming World with the release of GEARS OF WAR. Now, I've been excited for the release of Movies, Comics, CDs, Books and DVDs but never for a game. It's a bit odd for me but this is supposed to be one of the best of the best, a winner, a kick ass time with kick ass gameplay and graphics. Okay, so now I am excited.
This morning I waited out front of Best Buy for the doors to open at 10am along with 40 others. Now at the time, I thought all these people (of different ages and look) were there for other reasons but as soon as the doors opened, everyone went for the Video Game section and everyone wanted GEARS OF WAR. It was quite a spectacle to see all these gamers geeking out for their latest high, reminded me of waiting in line for the new STAR WARS movie.
Anyway, I am now the proud owner of GEARS OF WAR and I look forward to playing it on my XBOX in the comfort of my gaming chair in my gaming den. Game on!
That's all well and good, but I'm gonna keep rockin' out with Guitar Hero II.
(Or as a co-worker says, "I'm gonna rock out with my c@ck out.")
What did you think so far Gio ? Have you finished it yet ? I just passed the first act. It's fun !
your pal,
Okay, I just saw a GOW commercial, and it was really, really cool.
GH2 doesn't have cool commercials.
I am going to chainsaw you in the FACE!
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