Problem is, I am lousy at games.
Sure I have a good "eye" with a keen "design sense" and can argue pros & cons till the cows come home but as a gamer, I stink. I took a look at my collection of Video Games and realized that I have accomplished very little while most of my non-industry friends have gamer scores in the many thousands, mine just crossed the 3000 point mark (see my Gamertag to the right on this blog). Take a look:
HALO 3 - 2% complete (got frustrated REALLY easily)
BURNOUT: PARADISE CITY - 5% complete (had a few car crashes to see how cool it looked)
TUROK - 10% complete, still too fresh in my mind after working on it.
GUITAR HERO 2 - Finished Easy & Medium, Currently on Hard. No chance for Extreme
GUITAR HERO 3 - Finished Easy & Medium, Currently on Hard. No chance for Extreme
ROCK BAND - Finished Easy & Medium, Currently on Hard. No chance for Extreme
BIOSHOCK - 85% complete on Easy (so much to do & unlock still)
GRAND THEFT AUTO 4 - Not started (game still in wrapper)
DEVIL MAY CRY 4 - Not started (game still in wrapper)
LEGO STAR WARS: THE COMPLETE SAGA - 97% complete (Still have tons of achievements to unlock)
LEGO INDIANA JONES - 78% complete (currently playing this and loving it)
So what does this tell you? Well, I've never, ever "finished" a game. It's a sad, sad, state of affairs. Oh well, the only thing I can do is keep playing and hopefully (although unlikely) get better. Time to get my Game On!
Do yourself a favor and go buy MASS EFFECT ! It's the best game on the 360 ! And the story is so amazing you'll never want to turn it off !
your pal,
FYI... KING KONG is a terrible game, but you get 100% just for completing it. Each level you pass gives you 100 gamer points !
your pal,
But Beadle, you only passed one level of King Kong? ...Though I respect that you haven't stooped to padding your score by playing stuff you don't like. I think if I played King Kong it would cross a dangerous threshold into taking my nerdscore way too seriously.
Also, it's too damn nice out to be playing games, Gio. You should be proud of your low gamerscore.
Oh yeah, Gio will LOVE Mass Effect. He LOVES playing games!
Anybody who finishes games on Easy is lam3z0rz.
Agreed - playing King Kong is like firing the first shot in the Gamerscore cold war. Mike, do not start us down a path of mutually assured destruction.
Way worse than King Kong, here's a game that'll get you 1000 points in literally 2 minutes:
My nephew owns that game ! I've gotta try that !
your pal,
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