For the last few weeks, Laverne has been quite ill with various different ailments. What started with vomiting and stomach pains, caused by some form of pancreatitis most likely caused by a food allergy. We changed her food to a much more easily digestible “gastro" formula and the vomit & pains stopped. But the diarrhea started and it was bad, so another vet visit told us that there was a minor bacterial infection in her bowels. With some antibiotics, the diarrhea stopped and it looked like she was on the slow road to recovery, then last night she broke out in a massive case of hives, big red welty ones. It was awful.
I know that Laverne is “just a dog” but she is like our child, we love her completely, we love her absolutely and to see her is pain is horrible. I wish there was a way that she could tell us what was wrong or what we could change to help her get better but for now, we have to work with her and the Vets to help her improve by taking stabs in the dark and running test after test after test. Luckily, her blood work came back negative, her liver is okay, she is negative for Giardia and Diabetes but she’s going in for an Ultrasound on Wednesday to see what else they can see. Now we just have to figure out what’s causing the hives.
One the bright side, Carmine is finally coming home this weekend. It was supposed to be tonight but with Laverne not quite out of the weeds yet, we wanted to give her one more night to recoup before another puppy enters the mix. We are incredibly excited, scared, nervous and psyched to have Carmine and Laverne together, I just wish Laverne was healthier for the homecoming.
As you can imagine, pics are soon to follow.
That's horrible.
Hang in there!
That's terrible guys.
Do you trust your vet ?
Maybe take her to a different one.
Marketplace did a program on vancouver vets a week or two ago and now I seriously question anything they tell us.
your pal,
Yeah, we really like our vet. They are informative, helpful and fast. It's tough to figure out what is going on when all the tests come back "negative"
Hang in there guys.
your pal,
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