For the fourth year in a row, Corsiworld has hit the Okanagan in style for a Wine Tour of the ages (see some of last year's pics HERE)! This time however, we camped. With our trusty partners in crime, The Forbzez and the "dynamic Boston duo" of Laverne & Bozlee, we tackled a number of fine wineries and came home with a booty of 4 cases of vino. Yes, that's a lot wine!
Day 1 - Rain stopped the camping adventure from ever truly beginning as it came down so hard, we had to abandon camp and sleep in a hotel, the Penticton Ramada. Not too bad though, we had dinner in the room and while the girls hung out, Chad and I hit the casino (I won $40) then the pub for scotch and dry ribs.
Day 2 - The sun came back and so did the heat. We ate some breakfast at the Ramada, checked out, hit the campsite to set up homebase then off a wine-touring we went!!! We headed south and hit STAG'S HOLLOW, BLUE MOUNTAIN, BLASTED CHURCH, WILD GOOSE, TANGLED VINE, OLIVER TWIST, FORBIDDEN FRUIT and NK'MIP. We had a giant lunch at Nk'mip (third year in a row) which was to die for, we then headed back to camp for wine, campfire, s'mores and an early night.
Day 3 - The sun was still in full force for Canada Day and this time we headed north to the Naramata Bench where we hit: KETTLE VALLEY, THERAPY, ELEPHANT ISLAND, HILLSIDE, LAUGHING STOCK and POPLAR GROVE. Lunch was had at Hillside which was quite tasty but I think I had the meal of the day with a thin crust pizza topped with carmelized onions, pear and blue cheese, it was awesome. We then dropped off the gals at the beach while Chad and I brought the wine back to homebase and had a beer while playing with the dogs. We then picked up the ladies, came back, had dinner and way too much wine before turning in for the night.
Day 4 - An early, slightly hungover start to the day as we tore down camp, hit the Ramada for a big greasy breakfast, then hit the road for the 5-hour journey back. Along the way (near Hope) I got caught in a radar trap for exessive speeding (135 in an 80 zone) and rode off with a $370 ticket! HAPPY CANADA DAY WEEKEND!!!

See FORBZEZ WINE 2007 pics HERE!
All in all, it was an awesome time. The dogs did a fantastic job with the tenting, heat and all the car riding. It was another great trip with the Forbzez and already I am looking forward to next year!
Interested in our wine choices? Read on:
GIO'S FAVORITE WINE: SuperEgo (Therapy) - I finally found that big chewy Oakanagan red I've been looking for!
MICHELLE'S FAVORITE WINE: Vidal (Stag's Hollow) - great last year, better this year!
GIO'S FAVORITE VINEYARD: Therapy (13 bottles purchased) - I joked before the trip that I would buy a case, I wasn't wrong.
MICHELLE'S FAVORITE VINEYARD: Forbidden Fruit (9 bottles purchased) - It gets better and better each time we visit!
GIO'S BIGGEST DISAPPOINTENT: Blasted Church - Didn't like the tastes of any of the whites or reds this year.
MICHELLE'S BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENT: Elephant Island - a pale imitation of the far more flavorful wines at Forbidden Fruit.
How fast were ya goin'?
What a couple of drunks!
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