Our friend Sarah is currently living in San Fransisco and working at LucasFilm Animation... yes that's right... the place that makes STAR WARS. So far Sarah has been kind enough to send me some Stormtrooper Blaster Rifles, a Tie-Fighter Pilot Helmet, a full-sized working Landspeeder, Blue Milk, a couple of droids and a Leia Slave Girl outfit for Michelle.
I'm kidding ofcourse but if she wants to send us that stuff, we'd be happy to receive it.
Anyway, Sarah seems to be having a lot of fun down there and we sure do miss he up here but thanks to modern technology and the information superhighway, she really isn't that far away.
Sarah, if you are reading this, remember, the Trooper that wasn't at his post was TK-421 and never look Geroge Lucas in the eyes... he gets angry!!!
Miss you and love you babe!
Whoa... wait a second, if she's going to be sending up stuff, she can send stuff my way. I'll be in Docking Bay 94... 94.
I have no idea what you fucking nerds are talking about! Hahaha...okay, actually, for once in my life, I DO!!
I miss you guys toooo!!!
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