In just a few weeks, the largest commercial slaughter of marine mammals is set to begin on the ice off Canada's East Coast. By the end of the hunt, it's predicted that more than 300,000 seals will be clubbed or shot to death by Canadian fishermen seeking to pick up a few extra dollars by selling their fur. Almost all of these seals will be babies - some as young as 12 days old.Take action!
Polls consistently show that most Canadians oppose the hunt, but still the Canadian government and fishing industry refuse to end it. But there is new hope on the ice. Canada has a new Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, and a new party in power. With enough public support, they may consider ending this terrible hunt forever. Sign this petition now and send it to anyone who cares about protecting the lives of Canada's seals.
The biggest reason that people want to stop this hunt is that the seals are cute. If they looked like bats, it wouldn't cause nearly the same uproar. Besides, their population has exploded over the last while, so taking out a few will by no means endanger the species.
Wow anonymous, good point about the bats! I guess your probably all for ethnic cleansing as well since killing off a few thousand couldn't hurt, I mean it's not like they'll go endangered or anything and the population is really booming rite now! Anyways, I don't know why they waste all this time on the seals when Chinchilla's make much nicer jackets.
Ethic cleansing! That is a bit of a leap. The fact is, they won't go endangered. Actually, because of many factors, they could cause endangerment of some fish species. It is a good thing that they are being killed. The government doesn't ban the hunt (slaughter, whatever) for that reason. And Chinchillas don't make nicer jackets. Seal fur is very soft. ;)
But chinchillas are tasty!!!
Very true anonymous, that was a bit of a leap, I guess my point was that nature usually has a way of working things out on its own. We have medled so much with the environment we live in, that we now have to take on the roll of Mother nature to thin out animal populations over competition for fish. How crazy is that? We are slaughtering seals to try and prevent the endangerment of fish species?! Why don't we ban the use of fishing nets, which endanger our fish/ whales/ marine life. Why is this slaughter necessary, what happened in the past? Have seals become a threat to us? What about the human over population problem rapidly occuring on the planet as a whole?
Don't get me wrong, I will be first in line to get my new seal fur pants for the club. I just sometimes have to question the medling ways of man.
and for the record, seals aren't cute, they are demons in fat suits
Lots of seals would make the polar bears and the orcas very happy.
... oh, but that would lead to a population explosion of those.
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