As most of you know, I am a DVD fan.
I love watching DVDs, I love buying DVDs and I love talking about DVDs, so Tuesdays are my favorite day of the week. Why? Cause Tuesdays are "New DVD Releases Day", the day that all the new movies come out on DVD for mass consumption. Now I may have curbed my habit a bit (instead of buying 5-10 a week, I now buy 1-2) but I still go each week to see what's available and more importantly, what's on sale.
For the last few years, the number one place to buy DVDs in our fair city has always been FUTURE SHOP, if you want a new release, there is nowhere cheaper to buy your movie. They usually have a super price discount on the big release of the week for one day only which makes it even better. So if you are in the market for the hot release of the week, Future Shop is your best bet.
But what if you are in the market for a movie that has been out for a couple weeks, months or years? FUTURE SHOP is usually pricey with these releases, as is A&B and BEST BUY, you could try your luck at WAL-MART but if it's not a kids movie, it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Well out of the fog comes a new contender for the crown... HMV.
Yes, you heard me right, the usually overpriced and little selection HMV is back and my, how they have changed their ways. They have so many DVDs on sale it is quite staggering. While their new releases aren't always the best deals around there are ons of older titles available, 2 for $20, 2 for $30, 3 for $30, single disks for $5 and I know what you are thinking... "these must be some lame ass titles". No, they are good. You can buy FIGHT CLUB: SPECIAL EDITION and SCARFACE: SPECIAL EDITION together for $30. You can buy the recently released Special Editions of TOMMY BOY and AIRPLANE together for $30. You can buy great classics like SPIES LIKE US, THE PINK PANTHER STRIKES AGAIN and THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS together for $30. Sometimes you can even find crazy deals like THE AVIATOR: SPECIAL EDITION for $5, I am not kidding.
I did some comparison shopping. The FIGHT CLUB/SCARFACE bundle at Future Shop would cost you $47.98 (plus tax) while at HMV it's $30.00 (plus tax). The LAST OF THE MOHICANS/SPIES LIKE US/PINK PANTHER bundle would cost you $40.97 (plus tax) at Future Shop while it's a cool $30.00 (plus tax) at HMV.
Like I said earlier, this doesn't go for brand new releases, they are still pricier at HMV then they are at Future Shop but if you are looking for older releases or are willing to wait, then HMV is your best bet.
Try The C & L, it's a DVD warehouse in Burnaby. They have over 23,000 titles in stock, plus if you are an active buyer, they give discounts.
I tried C&L, but I was under the impression that you had to do retail-store-like volume to get a discount.
In the end, it was just way more convienent to go to Future Shop or A&B Sound for the same (approximate) price.
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