Here at the Corsi Household, we still celebrate Christmas but I know a lot of people don't and there are a lot of different "Seasonal Holidays" out there so this one is for you. My nephew Lance found this great pic that wraps up all those holidays feelings into one Christmas theme and I've presented it here. Merry Christmas Everyone, we're off to drink Rum & Egg Nog with the Pope-monkey!!!
Oh and NAPOLEON DYNAMITE wants to sing you a Christmas Carol. Check it out:
Can't sleep... Pope-monkey'll eat me.
That's right, it's not about who is naughty or nice, if Pope-monkey has your number, he'll take you out!!!
I hope I don't get another Cleveland Steamer in my stocking like last year...
That Pope-monkey, he's the funniest monkey I know, what a character...a cleveland steamer in a stocking...who else would of thought of that?
I mean it Pope-monkey...don't do it again.
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