During our many adventures in Singapore, one thing we've always wanted to try (and by "we" I mean "me") is LAGNAA'S CHILI CHALLENGE.
Lagnaa is our favorite Indian restaurant here in Singapore. Located deep within Little India, this place has quickly become one of our hangouts thanks to its amazing food, friendly staff and decent prices. We've been there numerous times, taken the COOKING CLASS there and celebrated events with friends and family (yes, Mario, Gina and Chad have been there). One thing we haven't tried though is their monthly Chili Challenge.
You see, every month they bring in some special chilis from Indian to make some spicy Masalas and if you finish the dish you get your name on a board and the praise of all who witness the feat but there are rules:
- You must finish everything including all of the gravy
- You cannot drink anything once you start eating the dish
- you cannot swap to another dish once you start eating, the only other thing you can eat is rice & naan
- No sweating, slurring, sniffling or tearing up once you start eating
Last night, we ended up at Lagnaa's for James' Birthday party and most of us were all up for the chili challenge. I went for the Level 6 Chili while James went for the Level 7... we both did not make it.
While extremely tasty, the Level 6 Chicken Masala was a spice inferno that would not diminish, my mouth, throat and stomach were no match for the awesome powers of the Indian Chili. James got through two-thirds of his while I only managed a third. As spicefans, we were pretty disappointed with our performances but took comfort in the fact that only one guy in the entire restaurant (which was full) managed to eat a Level 6, then a Level 7 and as we were leaving, he was getting a Level 8 cooked for him. Crazyman or a Spice God? We didn't stick around to find out.
This adventure coupled with my LEVEL 10 HOTWINGS NIGHT has made me realize that it's time for me to throw in the towel. My days of trying to conquer the ultimate in spiciness are over, I just can't do it anymore. I can't take it, my body can't take it and my stomach can't take it. I will always love spicy food but my quest for crazy spiciness is at an end.
Thanks for the memories Chili Challenge.