So Michelle decided to make me dinner, which is always awesome! She was trying out a new Salmon recipe she learned at a cooking class here in Singapore. Steamed Salmon with lemon served with Zucchini Pappardelle in a Butternut Squash Ragout. It looked and smelled awesome! While she was cutting up the Passionfruit for her Dessert Dish, the knife slipped and sliced deep into the knuckle of her index finger... blood and screaming ensued.
Okay, we've been here for three months and other than my medical exam for the job, we've never had to visit the doctor (we both went for exams while we were in Vancouver in July). It's 8pm, are there even clinics here? And if so, are they open? Michelle remembered seeing a medical clinic in the mall across the street from us, so as we headed there with her hand wrapped in a towwel, I called my buddy Aamir. He confirmed that yes, there are medical clinics but unlike Vancouver, they are opened and closed at all different times. Okay, if this one was closed, we'd head to the Hospital.
Luckily the clinic closed at 8:30pm so we made it in and had a pretty decent doctor to boot, so much so, Michelle might make him her regular doctor, so she asked the receptionist is Dr. Houng accepting new patients.
"Excuse me?"
"Is Dr. Huong taking new regular patients"
"Umm, yes, you just come in and he sees you"
"Oh, okay, and what days is he in?"
"The hours are on the back of the card"
"Yes, I see that but which of these days and times is he in"
"Umm (looking at us like we are from Mars)... all of them"
I guess things run a little differently here. Anyway, it's good to know that we have a 7-day a week clinic right across the street with a capable doctor if it's ever needed again. Michelle won't require stitches but she won't be able to bend that finger for a couple weeks. We came home and enjoyed that kick ass dinner. Crisis averted and finger saved!