UPDATE: Pics of Jason's Birthday House Party can be found
HERE!!!It seems that time moves ever faster and we get ever balder but despite these issues, good things still happen. Like today, for instance... today is JASON DELONG's birthday where he turns the ripe old age of Thirtysomething (he will turn thirstysomething for the next few years just for the record). If you do not know Jason, he is a good man, I call him Best Man and will continue to do so until that one day when we are forced to swordfight to the death atop some crumbling building amidst the last days on earth. Here's the highpoints of our friendship:
* Worked together at EACQA - testing games and eating at Earls, every... single... day
* Became roommates in a swank Downtown Pad for almost 3 years
* Became Neighbours for another year at a not-as-swank building, still downtown
* I was Best Man at his wedding
* He was Best Man at my wedding
* We continued to talk movies and laugh whenever we see each other.
It used to be about getting drunk, meeting girls and laughing, now it's more about, work, buying real estate and for Jason, having kids (for us - a puppy) but we still laugh and will for a long time.
Happy Birthday buddy, good luck with the kid, good luck with the new house and good luck with Fatherhood. Let's get together, have a beer and laugh, real soon!