Happy belated Easter everybody!!! I don't want to get into a religious debate or offend anyone but seriously, is Jesus a zombie? You know, dies on a Friday, rises on a Monday, hunts for brains... Are we celebrating Zombie Jesus Weekend with bunnies, chocolates and eggs? Wow... I have got to stop reading comic books.
By the way, the above picture is of my cousin Ida's daughter Sofia, she is in no way affiliated with zombies or jesuses or brain hunting just with being cute.
Anyway, we are well into April and things are cooking. My uncle
ANTONIO celebrated his birthday at the top of the month (happy belated by the way), I credit this man with first getting me interested in photography and as a shining example of living life to the fullest! The Parents (Mario & Gina) leave this week for a trans-atlantic cruise from Florida to Spain then a week in Italy. My dad will also be celebrating his birthday during that time and there are a whole slew of birthdays happening over the next few weeks.
Our Deep Cove apartment goes on the market this week so Michelle and I have been cleaning and de-cluttering as we prep for the first "open house" this weekend. The next few weeks promise to be crazy ones!!!
Laverne is doing great, slowly being housebroken but picking up "sit", "drop it", "come" "no" and "let's go" like a champ. She's also learning some tricks like "hop" and "tunnel" but you should see them in person, actually I am sure they are not as impressive for you as they are for us so scratch that whole trick thing altogether.
Sebastion is still on the insulin but seems to be on the up and up, he's shedding something fierce but his energy is much, much better. Pinchy got his yearly shots and is not taking to them very well. We think that the Vet may have bruised him while injecting him or the medication is rubbing him the wrong way but he's slowly returning to his normal self.
Anyway, that's about it for now, stay strong all y'all and